#121184 - “In any case its far to late to go out, if you try and leave now the wolves will get you for sure” The Older Bear explained taking his free hand and rubbed it against Goldie’s round ass, Goldie flinched jumping back from The Older Bear’s advance only to bump his ass right into The Young Bear crotch, “wha, I said I can pay you back” Goldie pleaded looking into the hungry eyes of The Three Bears around him, “Yes, you said you’d pay for the chair, the food and the bed” The Oldest Bear said, “and that’s fine, but you also need to pay for a guide out of the forest” The Oldest Bear added looking into Goldie’s eyes, “and the only currency you seem to have is right here” The Young Bear said paying no attention to the satchel with the package in it while grinding his dick against Goldie’s ass, “I don't want to be the one who has to throw you out into the forest at night” The Oldest Bear said grabbing Goldie’s wrist then guided Goldie’s hand down to his dick, “but I will if you can’t pay, I’ll H
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